“Sloka - where the colours of the mind take wing.”
Students for life.
Family forever.

Sloka alumni have consistently made their teachers proud. They have entered diverse streams of higher education and work, such as economics, finance, filmmaking, biotechnology, medicine, research, management, computer science, geology, art and design, engineering, law, and journalism.

Alumni Day

The entire community comes together to celebrate Sloka Foundation Day on the 3rd of July every year. Alumni Day is also observed on the same day. The school welcomes former students back to their alma mater, to share their stories, and have some fun on this day.

Closeup of a pastel drawing by a child, portraying several children dressed in vibrant hues standing in rows below a mandala.
Alumni Stories

“Sloka was a thrilling journey of self-discovery, with the freedom to learn innovatively and express oneself in various forms. The positive relationships with teachers and the enjoyable learning atmosphere shaped a strong foundation for a lifelong connection with knowledge.”

— Pranav C. Raman

“Sloka to me, is home. I will forever be grateful to my Sloka family, for I found comfort with my teachers who saw me for my full potential and nurtured me to be my best self. The passions of life I enjoy today began as tiny seeds sown at Sloka that have since grown into my colourful and vibrant personality. All I have is to thank you, Sloka.”

— Dr. Hiranmayi

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